Call The Professionals When Wasps Take Over Your Property
When wasps set up their nests near your home and on your property, life can quickly become a nightmare. Wasps trigger a fear reaction in many people – whether you’re allergic to their stings or not, they are painful, and knowing how much they hurt triggers a knee-jerk fear reaction. If hanging out on your porch, playing with the kids or the dog in the backyard, or simply going out the front doors is causing you anxiety because of the presence of yellow jacket wasps, it’s time to call Toronto wasp nest removal experts.
WaspnestRemoval Toronto is your local solution to these spring and summer pests and we go the extra mile when you call us to help out. We use the least toxic insecticides available, we provide free quotes over the phone, and after we’ve removed the nest in question, we even provide a complimentary inspection of the rest of your property for further nests.
If you keep a garden, your yard is likely visited by all kinds of creatures, including both honeybees and wasps. Bees are generally bigger, rounder, and covered in a fuzz, and because they are such great pollinators, you probably want to keep them around. While they do have stingers, they are much less aggressive and only pose a real danger to people who are hypersensitive to stings. Wasps, on the other hand, even look meaner, with yellow and black stripes along shiny bodies and long antennae. If wasps are regular guests in your garden, you will want to inspect your eaves, garage, and trees, as well as for burrows in the soil and near dead wood for their papery nests.
Unlike their honeybee cousins, yellow jackets are not limited to a single sting; they can and will repeatedly sting their targets, an especially dangerous fact when an entire swarm is engaged in defending their nest. If you’re caught up a ladder when a colony attacks, you also risk falling and serious injury as a result of being caught off-guard. If you’re allergic to stings, doing Toronto wasp nest removal yourself could be fatal, but even if you’re not, it’s always a better idea to call a professional wasp exterminator Toronto homeowners rely on when they need to get rid of yellow jackets.
Our Toronto wasp nest exterminators at WaspNestRemoval Toronto have the right equipment and supplies, from protective gear to low-toxicity insecticide that’s safe for your family, to knock out swarms and safely dispose of nests. Rather than risking your own safety, visit us at and find out more about how we can help with your wasp nest removal Toronto project.
After the removal, there are some useful ways to stop yellow jackets from nearby properties or public space bothering you, such as sealing your garbage and green bins, cleaning up litter from your porch or backyard (those empty pop cans still have residue in them that end-of-season wasps love), and stop leaving dog food outside, which is rich with protein and a target earlier in the spring and summer. Once you’ve removed nests on your property, they won’t trouble you again that year; although if a queen set up her nest in a wall void or a burrow, you can discourage their return next year by filling it. If they do, you know the wasp nest removal Toronto company to call.